Thursday, September 11, 2008


AARTUR ŻMIJEWSKI's video "The Game Of Tag" will be shown at Pitzer Art Gallery's Narrowcast. The show opens September 25th. I can't wait. Here is a description of Artur's video i would like to share with you.

"The strategy most frequently used by Zmijewski is to arrange situations and look, how the protagonists would behave. That is why his video works often remind fictionalised documentaries. BEREK / The Game of Tag, 1999 (illustrations) is one of the best examples. Zmijewski filmed a group of people in two rooms: a symbolically neutral space and the gas chamber of a former Nazi death camp. Naked men and women of various ages play the game of tag - some of them are ashamed, others engage in the game. According to the artist, this film is an example of a kind of therapy, used in psychology: the re-enactment of a traumatic event with a simultaneous shifting of its meaning."


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